Friday, July 20, 2007


I was flipping through the latest issue of "Governing" magazine (I need a hobby), and stumbled upon an intersting article regarding the use of cameras to aid law enforcement agencies across the United States. The article focused on Pheonix, AZ - a city that recently employed this techonolgy to apprehend a serial killer.

Although I am disappointed that there is a need for this, I strongly support Mayor Pawlowski's policy of purchasing and deploying cameras. There is a need for more cops and I of course will support efforts to increase our complement of officers. However we simply cannot afford to hire enough men and women to patrol every street corner and back alley. Recognizing this, using modern technology as a way to supplement our crime-prevention efforts makes sense to me.

Regardless of your opinion of security cameras, you may want to read the "Governing" article - it provides some insight into their use and effectiveness:

Monday, July 9, 2007


Welcome to my blog!

During my announcement speech, I said that this campaign will be about ideas, but it will also be a call to action for all of Allentown's residents. This E-Public Forum is an intrigal part of my desire to receive feedback directly from you the voters about how we can move Allentown foward.

In this space, I will:
  • Let you know what I see around the City;
  • Relay feedback that I receive from people I meet around town;
  • Inform you of campaign happenings; and
  • Seek your opinion of what we can do to improve Allentown.

There are a few groundrules. First and foremost, you must know that I intend to keep my campaign positive, focusuing on my qualifications for this office and my goals for our City. With that being said, this blog will reflect that basic principle. If you choose to post on this blog, please refrain from personal attacks and negative campaigning.

Moreover, you should know that I believe very strongly in our community's future - with the right vision and leadership, Allentown can and will become the greatest city in Pennsylvania. But to get there, we must be in this together. Should you have an idea that we can discuss to improve our town, I am all ears. But again, please keep your suggestions positive.

No doubt there will be times that I post about topics other than the City - things of interest to me (my family, baseball, PSU football, music, books, movies, etc.). My hope is to offer you some insight as to the kind of person that I am. After all, if you choose to elect me to City Council, you should feel comfortable with me the person, not just the candidate.

Lastly, I reserve to right to edit and delete any posts that I find objectionable.

Once again, thank you for your interst in my campaign and your committment to Allentown. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you as your next City Councilman!