Monday, September 17, 2007

Quick Hits

Wow, it has been wayyyyy too long since I last posted. What I'd like to do now is put a few things down that I have seen/done over the last month or so. I promise that I will add something policy/issue related within a week...

But until then, here's the quick hits:
  • The Great Allentown Fair was awesome. I don't particularly agree with the increase in the admission price, but was very cool nonetheless. I spent quite a bit of time there talking to residents and visitors to the City about what they want to see. No surprise, crime was a popular topic, but many folks mentioned that they have no problem spending time and money in the City so long as they had a reason to. The Brewworks has been a huge shot in the arm and people are really excited about the Iron Pigs. Oh, and this was the first Fair for Sarah (our daughter).
  • I spoke at a meeting of the A-Youth Organization - they are the umbrella organization for the youth associations in the City (Mountainville, UT, WEYC, ESYC, etc). I will post more about my support for these programs in the near future, but in a nutshell, I came away impressed with the organization's willingness to try new things to support our youth programs.
  • Congratulations to Tara of Mayfair (full disclosure - I am a Member of the Mayfair Board of Directors) on running a wonderful program with a troop from Cirque de Solei. On very short notice, she helped pull together a really, really impressive program with these fantastic performers at the Allentown Art's Park.
  • Wearing 2 hats (COS to Rep. Mann and Member of the LANTA Board of Directors), I was at the dedication of the new LANTA/Parking Authority Bus Terminal at 6th and Linden Street. I firmly believe that parking and mass transportation are two of the most overlooked aspects of urban revitalization, and I am proud to have played a (very small) roll in helping improve both conditions in Center City. If you haven't seen this new building, you should go to Symphony Hall to see a show and park in the new deck.

Check back in a few days. I'll be talking further about A-Youth and sports in the City.

1 comment:

michael molovinsky said...

today, the Hamilton Street merchants protested the new Lanta Terminal for taking away their customers.(passengers from three transfer points that were on hamilton or immediate corners) I know Lanta got a grant, and it helped the Parking Authority build the deck which the theatre district hopes is needed, but meanwhile, current taxpaying merchants are hurt.