Thursday, September 20, 2007

Youth Organizations

I have made mention on numerous occasions that I have coached baseball for Mountainville Memorial Youth Association for four out of the last five years now. During that time, some things have been consistent: 1) Kids are better athletes now then when I played, but worse "ball players"; 2) I still can't beat East Side Memorial; and 3) Organizations are churning out great kids.

I am really concerned, however, about the financial and organizational state of our youth associations. Year in and and year out, there are organizations that lack of proper and safe equipment, simply do not enough kids and who fail to pay their city dues in a timely fashion.

As a result, the athletic leagues suffer.

I have sat through meetings of youth organizations where they debate the merits of candy sales vs. hoagie sales for their fundraising efforts. This is all well and good, but at the end of the day, things have gotten quite expensive: one good bats costs $100; baseballs range between $25 and $75/dozen. As such, better fundraising and revenue-raising activities need to be explored.

To that end, I believe that the City should sponsor training seminars geared towards fundraising, accounting practices and organizational structure that will help ensure that these vital organizations are run in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

I have spoken with Kevin Easterling, the new Director of Recreation and the members of A-Youth (the umbrella organization for these groups) about the this topic and have received a lot of support for this plan. Furthermore, I have begun to identify funding sources to pay for this event. If we strengthen the youth organizations, we will make great strides in improving our City.


Bernie O'Hare said...

I would like you to state publicly your position on the discriminatory impact that thew LANTA bus stop relocation has had on small, minority-owned businesses. These small busineeses are now suffering, and no one in A-town city government has reacted. As a member of city council, what would you do?

Peter Schweyer said...

My statement about LANTA has now been posted.